Our story
Let me introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth. I’m an RN with 18 years of nursing experience. I started at the very bottom as a CNA, received my LPN while pursuing my Bachelor’s in Missions at Bible college, and finally obtained my RN license and Bachelor’s in Nursing. I’ve spent a good bit of time in school but even more time gaining experience in the healthcare field. I’ve worked in hospital settings, home health, wellness clinics, camp nurse, school nurse, and as a patient advocate. I love helping people and making a difference in the most difficult of times. I have extensive contacts in the medical field due to my experience and discovering more contacts by actively networking. I am constantly learning and enjoy challenging myself. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find it for you.
Favorite Hobbies: cooking, playing piano, reading, taking care of our chickens and German Shepherds